Hakeslepp #24 [Gjest: Michael Lassen]

Yeyya! Som du kanskje har fått med deg har Michael Lassen vært i Oslo de siste dagene.

Etter han fortalte om sin nyeste innovasjon innen mental trening ble Knut og jeg så gira at vi rett og slett fløy han over til Norge for å dele det med oss. Og det var vel verdt det! Og selvfølgelig fikk jeg han i studio til å lage en Hakeslepp Podcast. Den utartet seg til å LEVERE!

Vi snakker om:

  • How Michael helped a guy with a 10 year old problem in 3 minutes
  • How and why Michael used the same technique that got The Rolling Stones started with songwriting to invent better and better solutions to people’s problems.
  • the big $10.000 leadership secret Michael demonstrates on Morten that he learned on his first seminar in the US – Yes, some people have infact paid $10.000 to learn it!
  • The how and why behind Mortens big breakthrough in his life where he finally felt totally free!
  • Why and how something feeling a bit scary is not only a good thing, but essential to success
  • THE biggest insight EVER on what women really respond well to in a relationship
  • The two biggest reasons Michael has experienced over and over as the primary reason people never fulfill their potential
  • The incredible power of both negative and positive thinking
  • The big reason why the mastermind principle is so important and why Michael decided to invest $20.000+ to jon a mastermind group

Hvis du liker Hakeslepp, setter jeg utrolig pris på om du vil gi tilbake ved å f.eks…

Da blir jeg så glad. Så blir jeg motivert. Så blir det mange fler podcaster. Vinn-vinn! <3

Morten Hake

Mental Health Coach and Freedom Facilitator Morten Hake is for many known as the most sought after mental health coach for young people struggling with confidence, insecurity, and worry. He's passionate about motivating people to see their true potential and when he's not busy recording podcasts, making films or traveling, he's probably enjoying the stage whether it's a dancefloor or doing keynote speeches at a lifestyle creation event.

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