Hakeslepp #8 [Gjest: Andrew Heggli]

I denne episoden av Hakeslepp-podcasten snakker jeg med Andrew Heggli om blant annet:

  • MMA
  • Hvordan gå opp i vekt
  • Periodisk fasting
  • Mat
  • Bygge selvtillit ved å flytte til ett annet land
  • Naturfilmer med David Attenborough
  • Arkitektur
  • Ha store drømmer
  • Andrew deler en oppskrift på Thai-mat
Podcasten ble tatt opp live på ustream og er tilgjengelig med eller uten video:

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Morten Hake

Mental Health Coach and Freedom Facilitator Morten Hake is for many known as the most sought after mental health coach for young people struggling with confidence, insecurity, and worry. He's passionate about motivating people to see their true potential and when he's not busy recording podcasts, making films or traveling, he's probably enjoying the stage whether it's a dancefloor or doing keynote speeches at a lifestyle creation event.

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