Video-intervju med Jamie Smart!!

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hehehe 😉

På torsdag var jeg på seminar med Johnny Soporno og NLP-coachen Jamie Smart.

Torkel, meg og Johnny

Jamie Smart and Johnny Soporno

fra venstre: Jamie Smart og Johnny Soporno

Heldig som jeg er kjenner jeg Johnny fra før av, og fikk etterhvert god kontakt med Jamie Smart. Jeg ble veldig interessert i hva han lærte bort, og avtalte å gjøre et privat intervju med han dagen etter. Du skal selvfølgelig få se det her og nå 🙂

Her har dere eksklusive 15 minutter med et par veldig fundamentale prinsipper. Forvent deg et par aha-opplevelser 🙂 Jeg fikk et par ihvertfall.


Her kan dere sjekke ut mere av Jamie Smart:

EDIT: Jeg fikk akkurat en melding fra Jamie med noen steg og tanker han ønsket jeg skulle ha med her på bloggen:

Secrets of Peace, wellbeing and wisdom

1. Decide that it makes sense that you already have innate mental health, wellbeing and wisdom within you. A clear head and a beautiful feeling.

2. Decide that experiencing it more and more is a high priority for you.

3. Use your feelings to assess the quality of your thinking. If you feel badly, your thinking’s off.

4. Say thank-you to unhelpful thoughts and feelings, and remind yourself that they’ll pass if you let them go. Don’t fight them – it only gives them energy.

5. Stop taking your thoughts and feelings so seriously.

6. Stop trying to change yourself – give yourself a break. Instead, act from your innate wisdom and inspiration (hint: if it doesn’t feel good, it’s not wisdom or inspiration).

7. If you want to get better at something find ways to enjoy it more.

there is nothing to fear…
Nowhere to get to…
No-one to impress…
Nothing to change…
All else is thought…
Reality is as it is…
And it’s all beautiful as it is…

YEAH!, seriously YEAH!


PS: Jeg vil skrive litt mer fra seminaret senere

PPS: Jeg er blitt intervjuet av skribenten bak, så følg med der også 😉

Morten Hake

Mental Health Coach and Freedom Facilitator Morten Hake is for many known as the most sought after mental health coach for young people struggling with confidence, insecurity, and worry. He's passionate about motivating people to see their true potential and when he's not busy recording podcasts, making films or traveling, he's probably enjoying the stage whether it's a dancefloor or doing keynote speeches at a lifestyle creation event.

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