Why do we sabotage ourselves so much?

You’re walking down the street on a sweet summer day, with that soothing breeze flapping your shirt around your jeans, and life is pretty good!

Then… Out of nowhere, she suddenly appears…

That beautiful godess of a woman that you’ve always been dreaming of. Her golden hair flaring in the wind, reflecting the energy of the sun like an aura of life. And before you know it, those big blue eyes meets yours and your heart skips a beat.

Or maybe it stopped completely, you can’t really tell. You hoped she wouldn’t see you, and now that she has – you look away as fast as you can. You know you should talk to her. You want to talk to her. But a billion and one thoughts floods your mind and you can’t think straight.

What should I say? How do I stop her? What if it goes wrong? What if it becomes awkward? Why would she like me?

And you’re frozen. Dead in your tracks like a deer looking straight in the headlights of an oncoming truck.
Slowly…. You cross each others paths, and nothing ever happens…

This is the sad and frustrating story being played on repeat every single day by men and women all over the world. COUNTLESS of missed opportunities like this happens every day. Countless of possible experiences, magical encounters and treasured memorised are lost in the sand never to come to fruition.


Is it my limiting beliefs? My lack of charisma? My social anxiety? My lack of sexual experience? Is it my hair?

Maybe. Or it could all because for one simple misunderstanding that clutters our experience of life. Because you, like me, and everyone else from time to time, get caught up in our head… Flooding our instincts and natural inspiration with Thinking, and thought created projections of the future that isn’t yet real.

daniel-sturridgeIt’s the same reason people fear public speaking, have anxiety for social situations, choke up on the football field (Like Liverpool’s Daniel Sturridge to the right), experience worry about our money, fail to start that big project we want to start, continue to procrastinate our dreams, or fuck up with that beautiful girl we desire to be with.

Think about that… What if the reason you don’t feel free to express yourself fully, why procrastinate acting out your dreams and visions, or fail to be the person you’ve really want to be – are NOT individual problems, but all together symptoms of the same fundamental problem?

And if all this tree of problems and challenges all stem from the same roots… What would happen if you tore up the roots?

Last night… I sat down with Jamie Smart for an interview explaining exactly why we FREEZE, get caught up in our problems, and how this self-sabotaging pattern can be quickly corrected by deepening our understanding of how life really works.

Hope you enjoyed that!

And if you did, please let me know and I can get on making more of these 😉 If you have a question, that’s cool too!

PS: Click here to learn more about Jamie’s Workshop.

Morten Hake

Mental Health Coach and Freedom Facilitator Morten Hake is for many known as the most sought after mental health coach for young people struggling with confidence, insecurity, and worry. He's passionate about motivating people to see their true potential and when he's not busy recording podcasts, making films or traveling, he's probably enjoying the stage whether it's a dancefloor or doing keynote speeches at a lifestyle creation event.

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